iPhone Programming!

Hello everyone at Schommer Media!

It’s been a long time since I made my first entry on the blog I know. But don’t fret! I’m back and ready to roll!

I remember I told you I would update you about my advances on TypoScript and all the TYPO3 CMS. But unfortunately I was assigned to a more interesting task (personally speaking). iPhone Programming! Now then, I had already some experience with iPhone programming since I had to do a small project for iPhone at University. But the application I am currently writing not only scratches the surface of programming on Objective-C (as the project made for my faculty) but goes deeper, into complex problems such as asynchronous connection management and carry off with thread programming. I found ASIHTTPRequest to be the perfect tool for such a heavy endeavor. (Multiple processes working at the same time for a given target task.)

My new tasks are deeply interesting, challenging and very rewarding. The application works most of the time as you want it (nothing is perfect) and you see the results instantaneously whether it be in the physical device or on the iPhone simulator embedded on the mac. I only hope I will have enough time and skill to learn how to export these iPhone applications using all the potential of the iPad.

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